Communities Output

Strengthening men and women from communities to be able to identify, plan, present and negotiate climate change adaptation interventions with Local authorities at Ward and Sub-county level and as result Community Adaptation Action Plans (CAAPs) including best practice models developed and negotiated with local authorities at Ward and sub-county level

Advocacy & Communication Output

Through advocacy campaigns and demonstration of best practices, LAs recognize CSOs and Community Dialogue Forums (CDFs) as legitimate partners and CAAPs as valuable inputs for budget prioritization and as a result CDFs are invited by LAs for discussion of best practice projects for climate adaptation

Consortium Output

Management of the consortium and joint planning of cooperation with strategic partners and LAs including CSO networks, strategic partners dealing with CC and devolution and with County authorities at all levels in mutual collaboration with communities resulting into increased impact of the program with refined capacity building

Private Sector Output

Dialogue, regular collaboration and meetings between communities, PS and the PCC.resulting in MoUs and increased engagement in solutions benefitting the communities

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