Alternative Voices for Climate Change Advocacy - Voice for Just Climate Action

This Alternative Voices for Climate Change Advocacy project aims to contribute to the promotion of Citizens’ voices and Climate Change governance in Kisumu County, with a short-term goal of registering 100% realization of the execution of 2% of the county’s Development budget allocated to Climate Change initiatives in the county as stipulated in the Kisumu County Climate change Policy, this will be achieved through the creation of Youth Movements, Capacity building of the youths and Women, Video Documentaries on best practices, Lobbying and Advocacy actions, engaging in local and social media campaigns, Development of policy briefs, engagement the CSOs convenings, holding strategic dialogues with relevant government institutions, etc. the project aims to champion the discussions on youths and women inclusion in reforming climate finance and budget making in the County and also to provide a national platform for engaging with the National Climate Players in the build-up to the COP28.

The Alternative Voices for Climate Change Advocacy program has a primary goal to provide an alternative advocacy platform for youths and women in Kisumu County to promote citizens’ voices on climate change governance. The program is being implemented with four objectives:

  1. To sustain a Youth and Women advocacy platform for scaling up networking, dialogue, knowledge, information, and experience sharing on policy and practice in the context of County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) mechanism/devolved climate finance.
  2. To Create and Sustain Momentum on the implementation of the Kisumu County Climate Change Policy and the Kisumu County Integrated Climate Change Action Plan (2022-2027) and participate in discussions prior to COP 28
  • To engage local media practitioners in documenting and sharing youth and Women climate resilience activities from Kisumu County
  1. To Identify and Upscale environmentally sustainable youth and women-driven climate change initiatives for livelihood interventions

Program Outputs

  1. Establishment of the Kisumu City Climate Change Advocacy Platform (KCCCAP) composed of the Youth and Women CSOs/CBOs/SHG to discuss climate change governance within Kisumu County.
  2. Youth and Women developed the first ever Kisumu City CSOs/CBOs COP 27position to be presented at the PRE-COP27 National CSOs meeting.
  3. The Youth and Women took part in the Development and Mainstreaming of climate change into various sectors of the already published Kisumu County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027
  4. Youth and Women of the already established platform, together with the County Assembly Committee of Budget Appropriation and Committee Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources and County Directors of Budget, Finance, Climate Change, and County Budget Estimate Forum – Secretary General deliberated on the implementation of the 2% County Climate Finance and the County Assembly and County directors made the commitment to incorporate it in the upcoming financial year 2023/2024.