On April 20th, Migori County in Kenya witnessed a pivotal event organized by the youth component of the DaCCA program. The objective was clear: to enhance the civil society sector’s capacity in addressing pressing youth issues, specifically climate change adaptation and resilience building. With numerous challenges faced by Migori’s youth, effective action from the county government and stakeholders is paramount.
To tackle these challenges head-on, the county government, in collaboration with the Department of Education, Sports, Culture, Gender, and Social Services, along with the DACCA program and other stakeholders, developed a comprehensive draft youth policy. This initiative aims to not only improve the livelihoods of young people but also enhance the coherence and coordination of youth initiatives and programs across all sectors of the county.
The primary goal of the activity was to expedite the approval of the Migori County youth policy by engaging the County Assembly Committee responsible for youth affairs. Specific objectives included presenting the draft policy to committee members and stakeholders for their valuable input and incorporating their recommendations.
During the presentation of the draft policy, insightful discussions and feedback were generated from committee members and other stakeholders, enhancing the policy’s relevance and garnering buy-in from key actors. Of notable importance was the emphasis placed by committee members on addressing youth drug abuse as a stand-alone objective, as well as recognizing the significance of youth involvement in Agriculture and Agribusiness.
To ensure the policy’s successful adoption and implementation, it is essential to maintain close engagement with committee members and other stakeholders, assessing their commitment to promoting the policy. Collaboration with influential actors, including civil society organizations, youth groups, and private sector entities, will be vital in garnering support for the policy. Additionally, establishing robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms is crucial to track the policy’s implementation and measure its impact on the ground.
Through these concerted efforts, Migori’s youth will be empowered to navigate the challenges posed by climate change, enabling them to build resilience and adapt to a rapidly changing world. This comprehensive youth policy represents a significant step towards a brighter future for Migori County, where the potential of its young generation is realized and harnessed for sustainable development.
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