The Devolution and Climate Change Adaptation Program conducted a successful advocacy campaign on November 9th and 10th, 2022. The campaign aimed to sensitize the public on the vital role of public participation in county planning processes in Homabay and Migori counties. The workshop brought together Ward Community Climate Change Representatives (WCCCRs), CSO network representatives, County Government officials, Youth, and ward administrators from both counties.

The objective of this engaging workshop was to foster mutual understanding and collaboration among ward administrators, CSO coordinators, government departments, and development partners. By focusing on planning, budgeting, and the implementation of plans, we aimed to amplify the voices of all citizens, particularly women, youth and people with disabilities. 

Velma Oseko, the coordinator of the Advocacy working group, stressed the urgency of enacting and implementing the public participation and civic education policy. This policy will provide a legislative framework to actively involve the population in decision-making processes. Additionally, Velma advocated for utilizing existing channels such as local radio stations, newspapers, and ward public office bulletin boards to engage citizens and share information effectively.

Moreover, the program’s Regional Coordinator highlighted the importance of empowering the public not only in project development but also during the implementation phase, ensuring transparency and accountability.



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About DaCCA

The Devolution and Climate Change Adaptation programme (DaCCA) currently operates in Western Kenya and has been running since November 2015. It is supported by Sustainable Energy (SE), Denmark through DANIDA funds.