Our work in action
This video showcases the process of the development of the Community Adaptation Action Plans (CAAPs) that Ward Climate Change Community representatives undertake annually in their wards. This process is important for communities to understand how climate change impacts them and also helps in the identification of community climate change adaptation priorities for support from devolved climate finance and other climate funds.
Who we are
Impact on Society and the environment
We collaborate with local communities to conserve the natural resources we all depend on and build a future in which people and nature thrive. Together with partners at all levels, we transform markets and policies toward sustainability,
tackle the threats driving the climate crisis, and protect and restore wildlife and their habitats.
Our work in action
Latest news from our blogs
About us
Showcasing community climate change adaptation best practices
The Devolution and Climate Change Adaptation programme organized an exhibition to showcase community climate change adaptation best practices in the counties of Homabay and Migori on the 21st and 28th of July, respectively.
A few things we’re great at
The Devolution and Climate Change Adaptation programme (DaCCA) currently operates in Western Kenya and has been running since November 2015. It is supported by Sustainable Energy (SE), Denmark through DANIDA funds.
Communities Output
Strengthening men and women from communities to be able to identify, plan, present and negotiate climate change adaptation interventions with Local authorities
Advocacy & Communication
Through advocacy campaigns and demonstration of best practices, LAs recognize CSOs and Community Dialogue Forums (CDFs) as legitimate partners and CAAPs
Private Sector Output
Dialoque, regular collaboration and meetings between communities, PS and PCC. Resulting in MoUs and increased engagement solutions benefitting the communities.